All Ginger kittens have already moved to their new homes
Earlier on, in November, we said goodbye to her sister Gemma (named Suki in her new home). She now lives in London with Maciek and a few months older than she Russian Blue female Kono from Ullo Kokkino*PL cattery. One month later the cinnamon Geri left for Cracow moving to Ewa, Tomek and their son Olek and to have their six-year old Devon Rex female Julka as cat companion. A lively temper of our orientals at first was a kind of a challenge to both, Kono and Julka, but the ice has been gradually broken, which you can see on photos below. Yeah… at least to some extent.
Apart from three females there was also one boy among the Gingers, wasn’t it? Giroud has stayed in our cattery and we hope to get a litter out of him and one of our females in 2019. Meanwhile both siblings, Giroud and Geri made their FIFe cat show debut in Łodź (on the 8th and the 9th of December 2018). We were very proud of them – they both got Best in Show nominations on both days to lose in the panel with a beautiful Somali Domino from a cattery Fryga*PL of our good colleague, Krysia Grzelecka. Below: Gigi in the Sunday panel in hands of Robert Lubrano (in the backgroud on the left you can also see Giroud expertly held by a steward Agata Wiwczarek).