
Ginger Giroud with FIFe Junior Winner title!


So far our little boy has taken part in five FIFe and one TICA cat show. He made his show debut in Łódź at the age of five months (8-9.12.2018) being nominated to Best in Show on both days. His first Best in Show success came 1,5 months later in Warsaw (19-20.01.2019). One month later in Warsaw (23-24.02) he was less successful not even being nominated, which was a great pity. Far more so that I always call February EKKR my birthday show and this year it took place exactly on the day I was born quite a while ago. A small gift in a form of BIS (or at least nomination) from Giroud would be kindly welcomed.

After the show we had to make a decision on whether we want to spend time (and money) making an attempt for Junior Winner. His first two BISes left us a bot of hope that he will be able to complete the title (even if he won one of them by a draw 🙂 ), but further lack of success was rather daunting. Meanwhile we decided to participate in TICA show that held in Warsaw in March. First of all because we didn’t have to go anywhere, secondly we very much appreciate their show system with all cats being judged by all judges in each of the show days and competing directly regardless of the breed, sex, colour, coat length etc. and last but not least, last year our longhair domestic cat Fawo became TICA Regional Winner for the season 2017/2018 in EN (Europe North) Region, so we were tempted to continue his TICA show career. Unfortunately on the 1st of March Giroud got 8 months old and thus became an adult cat in TICA terms. Therefore we were more than proud when he scored 2nd Best of Best Cat of the show and completed three successive titles: Champion, Grand Champion and Double Grand Champion (of course if we decide to have him registered at TICA).

The success made us believe he may still make it to a FIFe Junior Winner title, so we put him up for his two last chance shows in Szczecin and Bydgoszcz. Four Bests in Show and we had it! The 2nd ever Junior Winner title for our cat (after Brave Brownie); the first one after a new category division was introduced back in 2016. We are very happy and proud about our lovely boy!